Types and Shapes of Hunting Knives
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A knife is as important a tool for a hunter as a firearm. Because shooting a wild bird is half the battle, it still has to be caught properly. The hunter must therefore approach the choice of this tool responsibly. A hunting knife is classified, first of all, according to its purpose:
GENERAL-PURPOSE OR GENERAL-PURPOSE. Such a knife is used for general work related to setting up camp, cooking, and stunning the animal. However, it can also be used to kill wild birds with the right skills and qualifications. Taking into account the stress that the blade will experience, the knife blade is made of steel of the appropriate quality and has sufficient thickness to prevent breakage;
SPECIAL - DESIGNED TO SIMPLIFY CERTAIN SPECIFIC OPERATIONS, in particular skinning and hunting game. The shape and thickness of the blade allow careful skinning without damaging the skin and easy separation of the carcass parts. It is irrational to use this type of hunting knife for normal activities as the blade dulls quickly.
Experienced hunters usually have both types of knives in their arsenal. First-time beginners can get by with a multi-purpose knife if their task is not to preserve the integrity of the skin of the animal they kill.
Variety of Shapes and Sizes
When choosing a hunting knife, the shape of the blade should also be taken into account. This determines how comfortable the hunter will be in piercing the animal's skin, making incisions, and cutting certain parts of the carcass or tissue with precision.
The shape of the blade may be one of the following:
A Double-Edged Knife
double-edged - like a classic dagger.
Leather Knives
Skinner - with a curved cutting knife, the cutting edge of which is curved but the underside is straight.
Ordinary Straight Knife
Ordinary straight - with a straight top edge.
Knife with Points
Clip Point - also has a straight upper edge but with a steep descent at the end of the blade.
Drop Point Knife
Drop point - the upper edge descends smoothly to a point in the center.
Trailing Point Knife
Trailing point - the line of the top edge rises gradually upwards.
Of course, hunting knives are also divided by size. The traditional version weighs about 120-180 grams, the blade is up to 3.5 cm wide and 10-13 cm long. This type of knife is sharpened on one side only. The sharpness and size allow for long-lasting carcasses.
The blade length of the large knives is 13 cm and can reach 17 cm. In this case, the shape can be any shape and the weight are up to 300 grams. The higher weight and dimensions are necessary to enable the crushing blows to be made when slaughtering animals. This knife is usually used as an aid when precise skinning is required, a more suitable classical knife being used.
Folding Knives
They have no balance and are therefore difficult to cut for long periods. They can come in different shapes and sizes, as well as an additional blade. These knives can be used as a spare in a hunter's equipment and are well suited for casual hunting.
Special Knife Handle Features
Of course, a hunting knife should be comfortable, fitting the hand well to allow for careful skinning and butchery work. Comfort is influenced by the shape and material of the handle. Traditionally, wood and antler were used, as other materials were not available. Today, these have been replaced by plastic, micarta, and rubber, and knife models with wooden handles are of the highest quality. Like all materials, each of these has its pros and cons. Rubber is comfortable because the knife does not slip in a wet or sweaty hand from the heat. Wood tends to get hot from human heat, so it is more comfortable to use in cold weather. Plastic is affordable and allows the production of knife handles with interesting designs.